FDS - Idle Chatter poster

Idle Chatter star

(Shoppers/Cupboard Love/Theatrical Digs/Albert)

A selection by various writers
Thursday 19 May 2005 - Saturday 21 May 2005
Faringdon Junior School, 26 Gloucester Street, Faringdon SN7 7HY
Directed by Jeni Summerfield and Debbie Lock

Performances start 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier.
Tickets: £6. Concessions £4. Tickets were available from White Horse Country Wear, 6 Cornmarket, Faringdon.

star ‘Albert’ awarded Wallingford Drama Festival ‘Best Play of the Year’.


The production consists of four hilarious one-act comedies – with a twist. Three plays – ‘Shoppers’, ‘Cupboard Love’ and ‘Theatrical Digs’ – are from a series of plays called ‘Deckchairs’ by Jean McConnell. Each play is a conversation on an individual theme between two different women, and all take place on a seaside esplanade. The fourth play, ‘Albert’, is a farce by Richard Harris. In it two men and a woman, none of whom speaks or understands each other’s language, do their best to communicate with each other, resulting in much hysterical confusion!


Cupboard Love Karen Whiffen & Sarah Varnom


Shoppers Carolyn Taylor & Lois Wells


Theatrical Digs Joan Lee & Sandra Keen


Albert Mary Mountford-Lister, Daniel Lander, Adrian Wells

Photographs by Joan Lee

Production No.149 (3 shows were performed over 3 days)