
A pantomime by Alan P Frayn
Friday 24 January 2025 - Sunday 26 January 2025
& Friday 31 January 2025 - Saturday 1 February 2025
The Elms Primary School (was Faringdon Junior School),
The Elms, Gloucester Street, Faringdon SN7 7HZ
Directed by Debbie Lock
Musical Director: Duncan Sinclair

Performances start 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Doors open 30 minutes earlier. Each performance lasts approximately 2½ hours including a short interval. MatinĂ©es on Saturdays and Sunday.
Tickets: Adult £12. Child (under 16) £6. No concessions. Add 5% online booking fee. Prices to be confirmed. Tickets will be available from our Online Box Office.

<<< All details to be confirmed. >>>

cinderella-2012-10Combining the fairy-tale enchantment of Cinderella with loads of originality, audience participation, and slapstick routines, this superb pantomime is big on laughs, but true to form. There are many strong traditional characters, including a delightful Cinderella, a particularly endearing Buttons and outrageously funny Ugly Sisters! Yet more chaos and laughter ensues when two comic builders, Bodget and Leggett arrive to re-develop Hardship Hall, whilst Hagan the pantomime horse provides a novel twist.

Click here to go to our Pantomime Page for general details and an application form.

More information about this ancient folk tale? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinderella

Production No.208 (7 shows will be performed over 5 days)

This amateur production presented by arrangement with Stage Right Creative Ltd., www.pantomimescripts.co.uk